School Shop
The shop is where you can pay for GCSE revision guides, buy tickets for school events and can purchase clip on ties. Click on the link here.
As a school, we are keen to reinforce that the school uniform as outlined in the CFS Uniform Policy (see link below) is adhered to. This includes smart coats or jackets and smart black flat shoes with no trainers, boots or canvas.
Please read the full uniform policy to ensure you are aware of what you need to purchase from our School Uniform provider and what you can purchase from any High Street retailer.
Uniform ordering is through our supplier, Game Set and Match who are based at Unit 1, Beaver Trade Park, Quarry Lane, Chichester PO19 8NY. Telephone number 01243 538800.
Click here to be taken to the Game, Set and Match on line shop.
The School Office do hold a limited stock of ties and primary book bags which should be paid for through the school shop (link at the top of this page).
Second Hand Uniform
CFS hold regular second-hand uniform sales to raise extra funds and items can also be requested on the Facebook page "CFS Buy Swap and Sell" which parents can join. Mrs Bashford kindly co-ordinates our second hand uniform and she can be contacted on [email protected]
We are always very grateful for any donations of clean school uniform, in good condition and with name labels removed which can be handed into the school office.