Open Events for Year 7 2024/2025
Our Open Evening for Prospective Year 7 pupils and parents is on Wednesday 2 October 2024 from 5.30pm until 8pm. There will be an Executive Principal's talk at 5.45pm, 6.45pm and 7.45pm. Families are welcome to come along and meet our Executive Principal, teachers and pupils and see what life is like at CFS. No booking required. Limited parking on site.
There are Open Mornings for Prospective Year 7 pupils and parents. The tour will begin in the Carmelite Hall at 0930, please use the Chapel entrance. You can book onto your preferred tour by selecting the appropriate date and time below:
Monday, 7 October @ 0930
Tuesday 8 October @ 0930
Wednesday 9 October @ 0930
Thursday 10 October @ 0930
Remember that applications for either a Year 7 or a Reception place must be made directly to West Sussex County Council, not CFS.
Open Events for Reception for 2024/2025
We are delighted to welcome prospective Reception parents to a tour of the school during the autumn term. Each tour will begin at 0930 and last approximately 45 minutes. You can book onto your preferred tour by selecting the appropriate date below:
Wednesday 6 November
Thursday 14 November
Wednesday 20 November
Thursday 28 November
Wednesday 4 December
Thursday 9 January
There is visitor parking on site. The tour will begin in the Carmelite Hall and please use the Chapel entrance.
The application process through WSCC closes on 15 January 2025.
Virtual Open Events for Year 7
Whilst we are looking forward to welcoming many of you to CFS for our on-site Open Events, we hope that the variety of videos and information below also give you a taster of all that CFS has to offer. We also welcome any individual questions you have – as outlined below. No question is too small; choosing a Secondary school is an important decision and we want to support you in the process in any way we can.
We do hope you enjoy looking at our virtual Open Event resources:
1. Virtual Tour of the School – video guiding you around our fantastic, award winning new facilities.
2. Principal’s Presentation
3. Why Choose CFS? - with so much information from many different schools, here we have provided an overview of what we believe makes CFS special.
4. Frequently Asked Questions – answers to some of the questions we are often asked.
General Details
Individual Questions – We are keen for you to be able to liaise with the specific members of staff most relevant to your query e.g. our SENCo team for children with special educational needs. Therefore, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to email [email protected], or call the School Office on 01243 792690. We will ensure that an appropriate member of the team gets back to you within two working days of your query.
Further to this, do have a look at our website for more information about the School, including our Welcome Page from the Executive Principal, and information about how to apply to CFS in the Admissions section. The video links above will take you to our CFS You Tube Channel. On here you will find several videos that will give you a taste of the CFS community, educational provision and pastoral support.