Due to there being limited parking on the CFS site, we have arranged our school day to help with traffic flow. Additionally we have implemented a travel plan for all vehicles coming onto the school site for drop off and pick up. If everyone adheres to the travel plan, this will ensure that the school site remains safe for students, staff and visitors and will ease the traffic flow for all.
Travelling By Car
If you are driving to drop off or collect your child from school, we ask that you please adhere to the following:
- Consider car sharing with other students as much as possible.
- We operate drop off for Year 2 and above as 'kiss and drop', so we ask that you please do not park and leave your car, but drop and exit the site as swiftly as possible.
- Only arrive on site at the times specified below. Vehicles attempting to come on site too early hinder the flow of traffic.
- Only allow your child to exit or enter your vehicle when it is safe to do so, and when they are able to access a pavement. Please do not allow them to weave through (even stationary) traffic.
- Please drive safely. Do not stop/park on the zebra crossing, instead use the parking bays and spaces available.
- In line with the CFS Culture of Kindness, please be considerate to our neighbours, staff, other parents and other road users. Do not park on the private land opposite (owned by Stone Pillow) or for example parking/stopping in the bus stops. Please be aware that traffic wardens do operate.
- Do not drive around to the side of the school (reception area) during peak pick up time (during 1430 - 1530), unless you have prior approval. We only have accessible parking on the north side of the school - so please ensure that your badge is displayed at all times. Parking on the turning circle is NOT allowed.
- If you need to double park, please do NOT exit your vehicle and be prepared to move if the car on the inside needs to move out.
Please follow instructions given to you by a staff member on site. Our priority is the safety of the children on the school site so we may instruct you to move your vehicle at times. We do not tolerate rudeness to our members of staff.
A traffic flow and parking map of the school site can be found here.
Public Transport
Stagecoach buses (51 and 600) run to and from the School from Chichester Bus Depot every 20 minutes (approximately).
'Term rider' tickets are available from Stagecoach.
Other local transport can connect to these services.
Morning drop off
We welcome secondary parents on site from 0745 and primary parents from 0810. From 0800 please use the track way (following the black arrows on the map attached). Please do not park in the designated staff car parking spaces. Reception and Year 1 parents, please park up on the East side of the school boundary – not blocking anyone in – before walking your child to class. We respectfully ask that Reception parents do not arrive on site before 0830, unless dropping older siblings.
After School Day Pick up
Our aim is that we have a member of staff on site to assist with the traffic flow from 1430.
Reception parents
School day finishes at 3pm with collection time from 1445. We welcome parents to come on site from 1430. Reception parents will be directed along the East side of the school boundary, parallel with the Hunston Road, (following the orange arrows on the attached map). Please park in the areas coloured pink and yellow (or turquoise if you are a disabled badge holder). Please then wait at the main student gate (where zebra crossing is), and you will be invited in to collect your child from 1445.
Year 1
Normal school day finishes at 1500, and we welcome parents on site from 1450. Year 1 parents will be directed along the East side of the school boundary, parallel with the Hunston Road, (following the orange arrows on the attached map). Please park in the areas coloured pink and yellow (or turquoise if you are a disabled badge holder). Please then wait at the main student gate (where zebra crossing is), and you will be invited in to collect your child at 1500.
Year 2 to Year 6
Normal school day finishes at 1515 and we welcome parents on site from 1500. Please follow the black arrows and form two queues down the middle of the allocated staff car park. You will be invited to park up along the East side of the school, once the reception and year 1 pupils have been collected.
Secondary parents
Unless collecting primary children, we ask that you arrive on site after 1520. Please follow the back arrows and the flow of traffic through the middle of the allocated staff car park. Once primary parents have left the school site you will be directed along the East side of the school to collect. If you have both primary and secondary children to collect - if would prefer, your primary child can remain in class with a staff member and your secondary child can meet them at the end of the school day by the gate for pick up after 1530.
After School Club Pick up
We have a very extensive programme of extra-curricular activities here at CFS, meaning that the car park and the site after clubs have finished at 1630 can be very busy. We also do not have staff on site specifically monitoring the traffic flow at this time. If you are driving to collect your child from after school clubs, we ask that you please adhere to the following:
- Follow the black arrows on the attached map (up the 'trackway' ) and follow the flow of traffic through the middle of the allocated staff car park, then along the east side of the school.
- Do not park or leave your vehicle on the trackway. Instead, please feel free to park in any empty spaces in the staff car park at this time. Also, please feel free to use the parking spaces along the east side of the school.
Suggested walking route to School
We wish to make the school community aware of a potential road safety issue for those pupils and parents walking to school site from the south of Chichester. This issue has been identified by a concerned parent and discussed with West Sussex County Council as Highways Authority.
It concerns the pedestrian crossing on Whyke Road just before it meets the A27 (Chichester By-Pass). As there is no pavement on the western side of the road at the point where it meets the A27, parents and pupils using this route would have to cross the road using the uncontrolled crossing. This crossing has no traffic lights and is very close to the roundabout. We understand cars frequently exit the roundabout at speeds in excess of 30 mph. We would therefore ask that those coming to school on foot use the alternative footpath to the west of Whyke Road. This is shown on the below diagram.
If you have any queries or concerns, please contact the School Office.