The CFS Passport Award is our hallmark stamp to a pupil’s developing journey through school, to a point where we believe they are best ready to move successfully on into their next phase of life. The award is fully underpinned by our ethos of Nurture, Challenge and Inspire, enabling us to celebrate the experiences and steps taken by a child to develop their whole self and their character (Resilience), how they consider others (as Global Citizens), as well as how they work towards developing goals and future aspirations (Love of Learning), whilst achieving academic success (Academic Progress). Any pupil can apply for the award, and each application is viewed upon its own merits. There is also a prestigious award made annually to the most impressive application made by a Stage 3 pupil each year. This award is called the ‘Inspiring Greatness Award’, which is sponsored by Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. Congratulations to Baxter Ayling who won this award last academic year (2023-2024).  

The award has three stages to it:

Stage 1- paper applications made typically by Year 6 pupils (either those in CFS, or those in our feeder schools) during their transition term to secondary school. 

Stage 2- Google Form applications made typically by Year 8 & 9 pupils highlighting the personal progress made in developing themselves, their character, the care for others and the experiences they have had both in and outside of school. Applications are linked to their Unifrog accounts. 

Stage 3- Google Form applications made typically by Year 11 pupils highlighting the personal progress made in preparing for their GCSE exams, consideration towards their Post 16 route, successfully completing Work Experience and achieving personal academic benchmarks. Applications are linked to their Unifrog accounts. 

To to be considered for the CFS Passport Award, an application will need to be made. The onus is on the child to make this application, alongside parent and tutor support. This process is made clear through secondary termly tutor time and an annual year group assembly. Applications will be considered each term by the Senior Leadership Team. 

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Wishing all our Year 11 pupils the best of luck with their GCSE exams. #NurtureChallengeInspire
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