Welcome to Innovate, your catering provider.

Your child has the option of purchasing meals from us on site in one of the school dining halls. 

We have a huge variety of really exciting dishes to try! We’re talking about global street food, our famous curry Thursdays, modern vegetarian choices, traditional fish and chips as well as a new exciting range called ‘naturally’ (vegan & vegetarian). We hope there is something for everyone to enjoy.

In addition to our great food in the wonderful school surroundings, we are committed to becoming an ‘Impact Organisation’ and doing whatever we can to create a better world. We operate a sustainable and responsible business model, minimising packaging (especially plastics), food waste and energy consumption, whilst maximising recycling and composting.  

We are also doing all we can to maintain the wide selection of choices whilst keeping to a budget that is affordable. During the current economic climate there maybe need to increase costs, but this will be kept to a minimum and replacement products sort before any increases. Details of any changes can be found in the attached letter.

If you have any queries at all, please email cfs@impactfood.co.uk

Primary Children

Primary children will only access the dining hall during lunch time, where there will be a choice of three meal items.  All meals (even those in Reception, Year One and Year Two who receive Universal Infant Free School Meals) MUST be pre-ordered. You will see below instructions on how to set up your child's on line account. 

If you have any queries relating to Primary lunches, please email primary@impactfood.co.uk.

Secondary Students

Secondary students will have access to the dining hall at break and at lunch time and will have the flexibility to purchase a variety of items including hot and cold meal deals as well as snack items and breakfast. As a great addition, we now offer breakfast from 7.45am.

Students can purchase items in the dining hall by using either their debit card or by using their fingerprint to access the balance on their ParentPay account.  Money will need to be added to the student’s ParentPay account to enable payment via fingerprint.  If you have not received an activation letter for ParentPay, then please contact the finance office on: finance@chichesterfreeschool.org.uk

Students can always purchase a meal deal for £2.65 (which includes the hot meal of the day plus either a dessert OR a drink).  Please ask your child to check with Innovate staff on the day if they are unsure which items are included.  In addition, the Blue Dot Deal is just £2.65.

Please find below further information on examples of the food offered and the prices:

Current Free School Meals (FSM) Children

For Primary pupils entitled to Free School Meals (FSM), parents need to choose their meal via the ordering system and it will show as a zero charge on their account.

All Secondary pupils who are in receipt of FSM are able to purchase items up to a value of £2.65 per day. This allowance can be used before school or at either breaktime.

To check if your child is eligible for Free School Meals, click on the link here.

Packed lunches

If your child would prefer to bring a packed lunch into school then a lunchbox should ideally contain one of each of the following:

  • Bread/Cereal - such as wraps; sandwiches; cold pasta; breadsticks and rice cakes.
  • Meat/Fish and Alternatives - such as ham; tuna; eggs or houmous.
  • Milk/Dairy - such as cheese spread/slices/cubes, hard boiled eggs, low sugar yoghurt.
  • Fruit and Vegetables – such as fresh or dried fruits, vegetable sticks, salad in wraps.
  • A treat if you wish - such as a small slice of cake or a biscuit.
  • Drink – water or squash
  • No nuts or fizzy/energy drinks

Please do not hesitate to contact the Finance Office if you have any queries or need any other assistance setting up your ParentPay account.

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