General Club Information
Below you will find specific details relating to clubs for the summer term. However, the club rules and parent and pupil commitments remain the same and can be found here. It's really important that both you and your children are familiar with these details. If any adult is interested in helping with or running a club for the School, please do get in touch with Sue Moon on [email protected]
Club Options & GCSE Clinics for Courage Term 2020
Welcome to the launch of the extended day program for Courage Term. The timetable for both lunch time and after school will run in a similar fashion to last term. For all pupils from Year 1 and up, we encourage them to participate in at least one club a week. This could be one they attend outside of school, as well as those on offer at CFS. From 20 April, we will have a range of clubs on offer; for all students our extended day programme runs from Monday to Friday, 1530-1630, and for Secondary pupils there will also be several clubs running each lunchtime during our extended lunch break, including regular House Events.
We highly recommend you, with your child, read the following information carefully so you can make choices suitable for/with them when the time comes.
The timeline for choosing clubs & GCSE clinics for the Courage Term 2020 will be as follows:
- Timetables can be above and in the Student Portal.
- ParentPay will open for bookings approximately from 0900 on Saturday 21 March, please be patient it does take time, for after school clubs and supervised study ONLY- Not clinics this time.
- ParentPay will close for bookings on 1200 at Friday 27 March.
You will be required to log onto your ParentPay account, assign your child to a club or supervised study, give permission and pay if a school subscription is required. Please note that ALL the external clubs are Free of Charge to book a place BUT you will have to pay the club subscription in full to the provider direct by the deadline of 3 April. Only after the entire process on ParentPay has been completed will your child’s place show as confirmed on the system. The system will confirm your place in your payment history, either Active or Historic. Your payment history IS your confirmation of the place. Once the closing date has passed, ParentPay will report the place as being “temporarily unavailable” this means it is unavailable for you to make changes on the system and not that the club is not running. Please be aware, items in your basket do not become confirmed until the process has been completed for each individual item. Although we are using ParentPay, many clubs will be free, we are simply using this service as the most efficient method for parents to sign up and give permission.
All clubs have limited spaces and will work on a first come first serve basis. The activities that are appropriate for your child’s year group will appear on their individual accounts. Please ensure you only book one place per child per day. You cannot book places on a club for other children. For the externally provided clubs your details will be passed onto the providers and they will be in contact with payment details. Full payment for these clubs must be received by 3 April. If you double book a day, please inform Sue Moon via the email address below at the earliest opportunity so that the mistaken place can be re-opened for another pupil.
If you do not have a ParentPay account you must contact Sue Moon on [email protected] at the earliest opportunity if you wish your child to participate in the Extended Day program.
Club Descriptions
A description of each club will be on the website timetable, along with which Year groups it is open to. There will be some after school clubs on the timetable that do not appear on ParentPay, for example Arts Award (this was pre-booked and paid for the year). This is so you can plan around these times. Some Clubs will run off site and may run later than 1630; we will ensure your child arrives safely to the venue, but they may have to make their own way home from the venue and not the school. This is clearly stated in the club descriptions. If you have any queries, please contact Sue Moon on [email protected]
Paid Clubs
Please be aware that some clubs will incur an extra charge, be it the fees for an externally provided club or resources to run the club; this is clearly stated in the description. By choosing these clubs you are agreeing to pay the subscriptions in full either through ParentPay - if it is a school run club - or direct to the outside provider before the club begins in April. If the payment is not paid in full by the start of term your child will be expected to leave school at the end of the school day and will not be allowed to participate in the club.
Club Duration
Clubs will continue right up until the second to last day of term Thursday 9 July 2020. Please make a note of all other dates that clubs will not run, these are within the club description on the timetable and on the ParentPay booking system.
Club Cancellations
In the case that a club is cancelled at short notice, we will ensure your child remains on site and will be supervised until pick up time at 1630. For Secondary pupils this will be in Supervised Study. This does not apply to the Advanced Notice of Club Cancellations on the timetable.
End of the School Day
If your child is not signed up to a club or Supervised Study, we will assume they are going home at 1520 (Primary) or 1530 (Secondary). We will not be able to accommodate pupils in school during this time who are not allocated to an activity.
Once Clubs are Full
There are no waiting lists for any clubs. During the booking period, clubs that become full may then have a space due to a child changing their mind. We suggest you periodically check ParentPay to see if spaces come up for a club that your child is keen to attend that was showing as full.
After the booking period has closed and throughout the term, we will update the timetable published above to show the clubs that are full.