CFS NSEA Team's First Competition

The NSEA Grassroots and RPL Showjumping competition at Coombelands Equestrian in Pulborough was a day of excitement and achievement, set against the lush backdrop of rolling hills and vibrant greenery. Riders from different schools competed in various classes, showcasing their skills and the strong bond with their horses.

The day started with Olive Pascoe and her young horse, Geno, in the 40cm class. Despite being their first competition together, they performed admirably, clearing the course without any faults. It was a great start to their partnership, laying a solid foundation for future competitions.

Bea Chomka and her mare, Tandy, took to the 50cm course with determination. Their clear round, coupled with a fast time, earned them 2nd place out of a strong field of 29 competitors from other schools. Olive and Geno faced higher fences but rolled a pole, showing the young horse's potential despite the minor setback.

The 60cm class was challenging, but Isabelle Brown and her grey Conamara, Snowball, managed to clear the course after a focused warm-up. Although they had some initial nerves, they settled in and impressed the crowd with their performance. Bea and Tandy followed with a flawless round, and both took first and second place on the scoreboard for a while until other competitors surpassed them, ultimately earning Bea a 5th and Izzy 10th out of 33.

The 80-85cm class saw Lottie Best and Lavanta tackle the course in less-than-ideal weather conditions. Despite a refusal and a pole, they still secured third place, demonstrating their resilience and teamwork. The competition was intense, but the riders' camaraderie and sportsmanship stood out.

Overall, the event was a celebration of equestrian skill, determination, and partnership. Congratulations to Olive Pascoe, Bea Chomka, Isabelle Brown, and Lottie Best for their outstanding performances, reflecting the dedication and passion behind each successful round. A first for CFS, and a dream come true for Miss Emmett; we look forward to the next competition in June.

Huge thanks to Claire Emmett and Shannon Flower and of course the girl's families whom without this couldn't have happened. We would also like to say a special thank you to Game, Set and Match for the branding of our wonderful kit.

GS&M branding
Lottie Best
Image3 1
Isabelle Brown
Bea Chomka
Olive Pascoe
Miss Emmett
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