Combined Cadet Force (CCF) Biennial Review.
With every organisation there are always inspections, for the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) we have the Biennial Review and today, we had our very first.
We had the privilege and honour to host as the Reviewing Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Ben Powell (Retired), recently retired as the Chief of Staff, Grenadier Guards, Field Army Command Group, Army HQ, part of the Strategy Directorate, Future Plans, Field Army Command Group.
On arrival, he was meet by Captain Cook, the Contingent Commander, Sergeant Evetts, Cadet Training Team and the School Staff Instructor.
The review began with a series of stands demonstrating the scope and breadth of what the school offers our young people, these included Drill, First Aid, Command/Team Building and Fieldcraft.
The Lt. Colonel observed the contingent staff and cadets undertake a series of activities, selected to demonstrate and showcase a small element of what the CCF has to offer within the school grounds. At each stand he was able to observe the activity, ask questions of the cadets and staff and gain feedback from the cadets directly on how they enjoyed the CCF.
Then the escorting team went with the Lt. Colonel to meet the Executive Principal and hear how the school and CCF combine and synergise to support the young people. Discussing the recent rapid expansion of activities that we were able to offer throughout the year.
The review ended with a formal photograph and the Lt. Colonel saying a few words.
The CCF staff were, again, so proud of the cadets, their turn out and confidence when talking to the Reviewing Officer and showing what an amazing opportunity the CCF is, through the wide range of activities it has to offer our pupils.
A very big well done to all of our cadets and staff.