The Machines are excelling again!
The CFS Machines put in a strong performance at the West Sussex Championships last week.
Highlights included three top ten finishers in the intermediate boys (Harry C 4th, Cooper B 6th and Thomas K 9th) - all the more impressive as these Year 10 pupils were in the Year 10/11 race. In the Junior races, Lucas B (Y8) finished 10th with Hugo J (Y8) 18th in a field of 90 runners - again in a Year 8/9 race.
Special congratulations to our Year 7 runners who sneaked into the Year 8/9 races! Maxi M was 47th in a field of 90 and Abby C a fantastic 20th not forgetting Evie D and Arthur I who both put in creditable performances.
A big thank you to all parents who supported on the day.
Mr Green, The Machines Coach!