We are proud to be a "Good" school

Following the recent OFSTED inspection, I am delighted to tell you that Chichester Free School has received much praise from the Inspectors, who have confirmed the good education and care students receive. As the area’s only all-through school, scoring a rating of ‘Good’ in all areas against a backdrop of years of temporary accommodation and a big move to our permanent site feels very special. I would like to highlight to you a number of the key features that we are particularly proud of:

• Across the school, the curriculum is based on carefully thought-out aims, which support leaders’ high aspirations for what pupils can and should achieve.
• The report praises the continuing high standards and strong teaching which enable all pupils to make good progress from Reception right up to the Sixth Form.
• Inspectors observe that Reception Year children’s development is consistently above average and is on track to increase further this year.
• Primary pupils experience a suitably broad range of subjects that complement their English and mathematics work successfully.
• For secondary pupils, the breadth of the curriculum is maintained, built around a high-quality core of subjects and they receive useful careers information and guidance that supports their next steps successfully.
• Leaders have given careful thought to exposing pupils to interesting experiences that guide their thinking about life after school…As a result, every pupil who completed Year 11 in 2018 moved on to an education, employment or training opportunity.
• The Sixth Form, which opened in September 2018, is singled out for praise, with inspectors reporting that teaching in the Sixth Form is strong across the curriculum and that students are successful because teaching challenges them to deepen their thinking.
• Inspectors also highlight that the broad curriculum of an extensive programme of activities, clubs and visits complements pupils’ in-class learning positively. As a result, they enjoy learning that prepares them well for the future.

I would like to thank our dedicated hard-working staff, as well as all the pupils for their fantastic efforts, and a special thank you to you, the families, for your excellent support that you have shown during the school’s remarkable journey since opening just six years ago. We are one community and the OFSTED report strongly highlights this and we should all be very proud of how far we have come.  A copy of the full report can be found below.

School Celebration
Proud Sixth Formers First Day
Yr 7 On Astro
Year 5 Baking3 1
Harlequins Junior Rugby
Convent Site With Primary Wing
Range Day 2
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Wishing all our Year 11 pupils the best of luck with their GCSE exams. #NurtureChallengeInspire https://t.co/yZo5vlGoAn
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It's exciting to know who'll be joining us in Reception this September! We'll be writing to you all this week but i... https://t.co/ubtLmDc3vv
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