At CFS we strive for excellence in all that we do. Whilst proud of being a relatively small school in our Secondary phase where every child is truly known as an individual, our ambition is uncompromising. We aim for all pupils to achieve their full potential, and exceptional progress sits proudly as our most important pupil outcome measure. We are a school where the happiness and safety of our pupils and staff is just as important as academic achievement. 

We believe in Nuturing, Challenging and Inspiring all of our learners. 

We aim to nurture, challenge and inspire in everything we do at CFS, in and outside the classroom. Our practice is rooted in engaging and inspiring lessons, where academic rigour is achieved by building on pupils’ prior learning. We encourage our pupils to show resilience in lessons, challenge them to achieve the best that they can and inspire them through creative approaches which fire a desire to learn. Our intention is to ensure pupils make outstanding progress and that our inclusive and adaptive curriculum removes any potential barriers to learning and prepares our young people for the outside world.  For more information about the intent, implementation and impact of our curriculum please do have a look at our curriculum  page here

‘The school’s curriculum provides countless opportunities to develop talents and interest that pupils relish and benefit from extensively.’ Ofsted May 2024

We believe in an all-through education. 

We provide a seamless education from ages four to 16. We aim to inspire curiosity and engage learners in common approaches throughout Primary and Secondary. Sharing practice across both phases is common place, and this approach allows us to reduce the negative effects often associated with transition. 

‘Vibrant all through school.’ Ofsted May 2024 

We believe in a varied curriculum. 

Throughout the School we maintain rigorous standards of the core subjects, whilst also providing a varied, high quality and broad curriculum. As evidenced by our state of the art facilities, we are committed to STEM and creative subjects. Our creative, inclusive and flexible offer for all pupils is never compromised, despite the ever increasing emphasis on accountability results.

‘The school’s curriculum is broad and ambitious.’ Ofsted May 2024

We believe in community and family. 

Our House system permeates school life on a daily basis, providing all stakeholders with an engaging sense of community and healthy competition. 

‘Pastoral care is exceptionally strong… pupils relish earning House Points… the children regularly receive recognition for working hard and this encourages them even further.’ Ofsted May 2024.

We believe that a strong education is not just about qualifications. 

We know that personal skills such as respect, good speaking and listening skills, common sense, a resilient and hardworking attitude, and ambition are key skills for young people. Our curriculum focuses on these qualities and ensures that every child is ready and equipped for their future. We also work hard to provide experiences that ensure pupils leave us as truly global citizens, with the outlook, empathy, respect and motivation to thrive.

Outstanding Personal Development… support for pupils mental and physical health is a priority… the provision for careers information, education, advice and guidance is praiseworthy… are extremely well prepared for adult life.’ Ofsted May 2024

We believe that the quality of our teachers is fundamental to the success of our school. 

We recruit proven individuals who we regard as being absolutely the best people to teach. Through a robust process of performance management, our staff receive guidance and support to ensure they continue to do their very best. We hope all staff will feel honoured to be part of CFS. 

‘Expert staff present information clearly… teachers provide purposeful feedback…staff are proud to work at the school and feel valued.’ Ofsted May 2024

Year 6 pupils wrote to various supermarkets, politely asking for food donations so we could eat breakfast together...
What a wonderful way to start the week; a Principal's Award celebration! 👏 Congratulations to pupils across primar...
Wishing all our Year 11 pupils the best of luck with their GCSE exams. #NurtureChallengeInspire
Our Year 8 #Art pupils have enjoyed creating their Creepy Fairy Tale illustrations, using various mediums and takin...
Due to the celebrations taking place across the district to mark the Coronation of King Charles III, we'll be close...
Spot past Coronation & Jubilee memorabilia when you visit your local library this #Coronation weekend! Take part i...
Our super Summer Fair is fast approaching! If anyone wishes to join us as a stallholder at the Fair, please email M...
We are excited to be celebrating the King's Coronation on Friday 5th May with lots of exciting events in our courty...
It's exciting to know who'll be joining us in Reception this September! We'll be writing to you all this week but i...
Our Justice Term 2 news magazine is out! You can download your copy here: Whatever you're...