At CFS, we believe that regular and constructive communication with parents about their child’s progress is a vital part of a successful education. It is also important that daily feedback is provided to pupils in the classroom, both celebrating their achievements and supporting them in making the next steps.
In a variety of measures – academic progress, attitude to learning, House Points, behaviour and attendance – CFS adopts a colour coded system to ensure pupils, and their parents, clearly understand how they are doing.
Whilst these conversations are occurring regularly with subject teachers and tutors, where appropriate, the whole school also has a ‘Colour Week’ each term. During these weeks, pupils’ progress in all these measures is formally recognised.
Alongside the regular, often informal communication with parents, please find outlined our formal programme of written reports and Pupil Progress Consultation Meetings in both phases of the School.
Click here to access the Pupil Progress Consultation on line booking system.
Pupil Progress Consultations (PPCs)
Years R – 6 have two PPCs a year:
- In Autumn Term we provide an opportunity to meet the teacher and discuss initial steps for development.
- Mid year we have another opportunity to meet with the teacher and work together on next steps to progress the pupil’s learning as well as an opportunity to discuss how they are getting on socially in school.
Written Reports
- Reports are emailed home to parents.
- In Years R - 6 parents receive two reports throughout the year. A ‘Progress Report’ is generated mid-year and a ‘Full Report' at the end of year.
- The following is reported home to parents:
- Key colour coded information: Attendance, House points, data.
- Progress reports are generated showing the progress towards targets in each of the core subjects (Reading, writing and mathematics). Targets are generated against a pupil’s prior key stage attainment. Parents will also receive information on current attainment and how their child is progressing towards their targets. This is also discussed in PPCs.
- Progress Reports show targets for core subjects and a comment outlining a child’s general attitude and approach to school. Learning Profile Grades (Grades 1 – 5) are also shared for these subjects
- Full reports give the above information but also include Learning Profile and attainment grades for all subjects taught in the Primary phase.
- On full reports, pupils will also receive a SLT comment.
Please follow this link for our Primary ‘Learning Profiles’.
Pupil Progress Consultations (PPCs)
Years 7- 10 have one PPC a year:
- Year 7 is in Spring Term, as well as an opportunity to meet the tutor and English/Maths teacher in September.
- Year 8 is in Summer Term.
- Year 9 is in Spring Term, along with GCSE Guided Choices Evening.
- Year 10 is in Autumn Term. -
Year 11 have two PPCs a year, in Autumn and Spring Terms, following mock examinations.
Written Reports
- Reports are emailed home to parents.
- In Years 7-10 parents receive a progress report at the end of each term
- In Year 11 parents receive a progress report at the end of each half term until Easter.
- The scheduling of these reports is released at the start of the academic year to teachers and parents.
The following is reported home on all reports:
- ‘On Track’ radar plot. In Key Stage 3 this is comparing required progress to meet end of Year 11 target grade against actual progress. In Key Stage 4 this is comparing GCSE target grades against GCSE predicted grades. Pupils receive further detail in assessment feedback. Follow this link for our ‘On Track’ measures.
- Subject specific guidance on areas for development.
- Learning Profile Grade 1-5 for each subject. Follow this link for our ‘Learning Profiles’.
- Key colour coded information: Attendance, House Points, Behaviour Points.
- GCSE Aspirational Target Bands (Years 7 - 9 only).
- Target Grade (Years 10 and 11 only)
- GCSE Predicted Grade (Years 10 and 11 only).
- A comment from the pupil’s tutor, Head of Year or member of the Senior Leadership Team.