SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disability

CFS is committed to meeting the educational needs of all its pupils, including those with Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities. We aim to recruit an experienced and highly qualified SEN team who will work together with families and external support agencies to help identify a child’s current educational need and to provide the essential teaching for every child who requires additional support, whether that is to support them or to stretch them, so that every child reaches their full potential. We firmly believe in ‘Quality First Teaching’ and expect our staff to deliver lessons that are accessible to all our pupils. 

Information about Special Educational Needs/ The Local offer.

The most recent Special Educational Needs Code of Practice came into force in September 2014.  In line with the new requirements, each school is required to produce a SEND Information report which is designed to help parents understand how pupils with SEND are identified and supported.  There are key questions, which parents most frequently ask, which are designed to help parents choose the school that would most suit their child’s needs. Our SEND Information report can be found here. The West Sussex Local Offer can be found on and contains information and services for parents to access. 

Key SEND staff within the school

Name Position Key Responsibilities
Mrs Louise New    Executive Principal Overall responsibility for the provision of education for all pupils.
Mrs Cathyn Halton Vice Principal: Inclusion  Responsible for overseeing the provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities.
Mr Phil Fowler SENDco for secondary phase pupils Responsible for overseeing the day to day provision for pupils with SEND in Years 7-11
Mrs Alexa Angell SENDco for primary phase pupils Responsible for overseeing the day to day provision for students with SEND in Years R-6
Mrs Marian Baker Assessment Coordinator Responsible for the assessments of pupils and application to the exam boards for Access Arrangements.
Mrs Claire Woodward Appointed Governor SEN Governor on the governing body who has responsibility for monitoring SEN provision.

If you wish to contact any member of the SEN team, they can be contacted on 01243 792690 or by email: 

Cathryn Halton, Vice Principal: Inclusion, [email protected]  

Phil Fowler, SENDCo for secondary phase pupils, [email protected]  

Alexa Angell, SENDCo for primary phase pupils, [email protected]  

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