At CFS we believe that every pupil is important and that all should feel happy, safe and secure in lessons and around the school.  We aim to promote a positive cohesive learning atmosphere where all members of the school community are treated with respect and consideration.   

Positive behaviour is most likely to result when the School and parents/carers present a consistent response to young people.  We always seek to involve parents in promoting good discipline and conduct.    

Poor behaviour is detrimental to the education, safety and welfare of all members of our school community and therefore it is not tolerated.  Behaviour management is a whole school responsibility and all members of the school community have a part to play in ensuring that this policy is put into practice.   

Celebrating success is also extremely important, and as a school we celebrate achievements by awarding House Points. These lead to weekly celebrations, such as a praise email home from the Executive Principal, to long term awards including end of term parties. 

We use a consistent format for rewards and sanctions across the Primary and Secondary phases, as outlined in the posters below: 

Year 6 pupils wrote to various supermarkets, politely asking for food donations so we could eat breakfast together...
What a wonderful way to start the week; a Principal's Award celebration! 👏 Congratulations to pupils across primar...
Wishing all our Year 11 pupils the best of luck with their GCSE exams. #NurtureChallengeInspire
Our Year 8 #Art pupils have enjoyed creating their Creepy Fairy Tale illustrations, using various mediums and takin...
Due to the celebrations taking place across the district to mark the Coronation of King Charles III, we'll be close...
Spot past Coronation & Jubilee memorabilia when you visit your local library this #Coronation weekend! Take part i...
Our super Summer Fair is fast approaching! If anyone wishes to join us as a stallholder at the Fair, please email M...
We are excited to be celebrating the King's Coronation on Friday 5th May with lots of exciting events in our courty...
It's exciting to know who'll be joining us in Reception this September! We'll be writing to you all this week but i...
Our Justice Term 2 news magazine is out! You can download your copy here: Whatever you're...