CFS will nurture, challenge and inspire our pupils. To do so it is essential that we have policies in place which ensure our pupils are safe and confident at school.

You may download a number of these policies from the links below on this page. However, copies of all school policies and any other relevant reports are available, free of charge, on request from the School Office.


Please see a letter from our Principal, Mrs New, together with the School’s latest Ofsted Report below.  The report is also available on the Government website, link here: 


CFS Accessibility Plan 2024.2027 (Download: 216.99KB) CFS Admissions Policy 2023/2024 (Download: 198.51KB) CFS Admissions Policy 2024/2025 (Download: 197.98KB) CFS Admissions Policy 2025/2026 (Download: 247.25KB) CFS Admissions Policy 2026/2027 (Download: 238.35KB) CFS Attendance Policy (Download: 244.86KB) CFS Behaviour Management Policy (Download: 415.93KB) CFS Careers Guidance Document (Download: 314.80KB) CFS Charging Policy (Download: 149.77KB) CFS Complaints And Unreasonable And Vexatious Complaints Policy From 18 10 24 (Download: 279.10KB) CFS Critical Lockdown Procedures (Download: 436.47KB) CFS Data Protection Policy (Download: 141.15KB) CFS Digital Safety Wellbeing Policy (Download: 212.71KB) CFS Equality Inclusion And Diversity Policy (Download: 140.02KB) CFS EYFS Policy (Download: 159.98KB) CFS Healthy Eating Policy (Download: 275.73KB) CFS Homework Guidance Document (Download: 172.16KB) CFS Intimate Care Toolkit (Download: 225.38KB) CFS Online Safety Statement (Download: 150.18KB) CFS Public Sector Equality Duty Objectives 2024/28 (Download: 137.15KB) CFS Pupil Code Of Conduct (Download: 169.50KB) CFS Relationships Sex Health Education Policy (Download: 232.38KB) CFS Remote Learning Policy (Download: 197.25KB) CFS Safeguarding And Child Protection Policy (Download: 451.41KB) CFS SEN Information Report 2024/2025 (Download: 342.62KB) CFS Special Educational Needs Policy (Download: 256.36KB) CFS Suspension And Permanent Exclusion Policy (Download: 307.35KB) CFS Whistleblowing Policy (Download: 91.58KB) CFS Work Experience Guidance (Download: 260.21KB)

Other Documents

Key Trust wide documents can be found here. 

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