Intent 5

WHAT? (Our Curriculum Intent)

We aim to nurture, challenge and inspire in everything we do at CFS, in and outside the classroom. Our practice is rooted in engaging and inspiring lessons, where academic rigour is achieved by building on pupils’ prior learning. We encourage our pupils to show resilience in lessons, challenge them to achieve the best that they can and inspire them through creative approaches which fire a desire to learn.


Individual talent and skills are nurtured; pupils are given varied opportunities and are actively encouraged to pursue their dreams and ambitions. We nurture our pupils through the development of positive relationships with staff and each other. Our committed team are concerned about the emotional development of the children and adults in our school on a day-to-day basis and recognise the importance of safety, security and confidence in every member of the school community.


Our pupils are stimulated and challenged, both in and out of the classroom, developing a lifelong passion for learning. Our pupils are challenged to be the best they can be throughout the course of every day, providing opportunities both to engage in independent learning and to work with others. They develop curiosity, ambition and resilience and are not afraid to be intrepid. Children do best in classrooms where the work is intellectually challenging, where curiosity and wonder is promoted and celebrated; we aim to create classrooms where the pupils’ exercise both cognitive and metacognitive skills.


We create opportunities to ensure our pupils flourish as lifelong learners. At CFS, we create an atmosphere of excitement, vibrancy and purpose, which inspires and fosters a love of learning and intellectual curiosity and promotes dignity, integrity, self-discipline and self-esteem. We will create confident, happy, creative and articulate young people, who will emerge with a clear vision for their future.

Further to our whole school Curriculum Intent, here is an outline of each subject area's intent throughout Years R-11, which all support our overall aims and values as a school. 

HOW? (Our Curriculum Implementation)

We aim to achieve these aims for all pupils by promoting:


  • exceptional teaching and learning, where pupils are given the ability to strive for their personal best. This is delivered through our Six Key Principles of lesson delivery:

  • the development of persistence and integrity, where pupils are encouraged and empowered to celebrate their own achievements.
  • a knowledge-rich curriculum that is cohesive, highly sequenced, ambitious and fully inclusive.


  • personalised learning choices in subjects, pathways and enrichment activities.
  • experiences where creativity is valued, and pupils are encouraged to pursue personal   ambitions.

Experiences through Cultural Capital

  • work with the rich heritage of the local community, whilst also exposing our pupils to diversity in the wider world both nationally and internationally in order to prepare our learners as truly global and just citizens.
  • a celebration of the arts, literature, culture, historical life and sports through our extensive enrichment programme, co-curricular offer, variety of trips, pupil leadership opportunities and through the competitive House system


  • a supportive, safe and vibrant community which demonstrates respectful relationships, both for each other and the School environment.
  • a community where people work together, developing tolerance.

As an All Through school we are in a privileged position; curriculum construction covers a 12 year journey providing seamless progression, development and mastery throughout and between both the Primary and Secondary phases. For each subject area, we have developed an All Through Road Map, providing an overview of the curriculum journey pupils experience at CFS, and are documents we share with the pupils to aid in their learning and progression. These can be found below:

For more detailed information of how our curriculum is implemented, please see the separate Primary and Secondary curriculum pages, where our long term programmes of study for each term are published in each subject area. 

SO WHAT? (Our Curriculum Impact)

The impact of our curriculum is:

Academic Progress


  • achieve ambitious academic success through accelerated progress
  • are prepared for the next step of learning and life development



  • feel safe and supported in the pursuits of their ambitions
  • develop resilience, creativity, and the ability and desire to be enquiring learners

Global Citizens


  • acquire appreciation, knowledge and respect for their own and other cultures
  • be appreciative of and experience all subject areas, including STEM and the creative arts

Love of Learning


  • have their own talents nurtured
  • be confident within themselves, have a strong sense of self-worth and responsibility


Please see LINK for our remote learning policy

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